Antakya Houses & Streets,  Antakya  2009-2010

Antakya houses are rich in many ways. Many features such as the plans of the houses, the materials used in their construction, and the architectural style give Antakya houses personality. It is seen that these houses, which are generally two-storey, were built in such a way that they have little relation with the narrow streets of Antakya. For this reason, it will continue to be a secret for you as long as you do not enter the outer doorstep of Antakya houses. When you enter the houses of Antakians, you realize that you encounter a whole of architectural and aesthetic beauties starting from the courtyard where the inner garden is located. In fact, it is these historical houses that give personality to Antakya streets. They are so intertwined, so close that when high walls are built, the legend of narrow streets emerges. Here, the road is shaped according to the houses, not houses according to the road. Due to the houses intersecting each other at right angles, walking along the narrow streets of Antakya is often like solving a puzzle. (Source: Aliye Sena Asarcikli)