National Sovereignty and Children's Day  Izmir, 23.April.1973

National Sovereignty and Children's Day (Turkish: Ulusal Egemenlik ve Cocuk Bayrami) is a public holiday in Turkey commemorating the foundation of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, on 23 April 1920. It is the only holiday, which is devoted to all children of the world by Ataturk. 23 April is the day that the Grand National Assembly of Turkey was founded in 1920. The founder of the Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, presented April 23 to all the world's children to emphasize that they are the successor of the future. In unprecedented moves, he dedicated the sovereignty day to the children and entrusted in the hands of the youth the protection of this sovereignty and independence. National holidays were celebrated in schools one day before holiday in the past; The next day, the Ataturk monument was first visited and then continued with demonstrations at the city stadium. My photographs in the portfolio show the public celebrations held at Duatepe Elementary School in Izmir Karatas on April 22, 1973, and the next day at Izmir Alsancak Stadium.