Jewish Society of Antioch, A Passover feast, A Hanukkah - 2010

A society consisting of 20 families and 50 people. They come together in a building -which became a synagogue 300 years ago- to pray. At least 10 people are must-attend the ceremonies. This is a religious rule. The Torah is taken out from its special room to be read on special days and religious ceremonies. This gazelle skin Torah is 6 meters long, 80 cm in width and is handwritten in Hebrew of a famous ecclesiastic at Damascus. There were 7 Torahs in total in the room, the oldest one is 600 years and the recent one is 300 years old. I've found an opportunity to watch this type of ceremony in the "Pesah" in March 2010. Two Torahs have been taken out from a room, prayed, and then put down back to the room and locked. On December.2010 I was invited to the "Hannukah" candle burning ceremony at home. A day after a "Sabat" day has been started with a special ceremony when the family ate the bread with salt. We have eaten our meal by singing Hebrew songs accompanied by special homemade wine.